Tips for motivating weight loss

Girl motivates herself to lose weight by choosing sport she enjoysStarting and sticking to a healthy weight loss plan can sometimes seem impossible.People often just lack the motivation to start, or lose the motivation to keep going. Fortunately, you can work on improving your motivation.This article discusses 16 ways to motivate yourself to lose weight.

1. Determine why you want to lose weight

Clearly identify all the reasons why you want to lose weight and write them down. This will help you stay determined and motivated to achieve your weight loss goals.Try reading them every day and use them as reminders when you want to deviate from your weight loss plan.Your reasons might include preventing diabetes, spending time with your grandkids, looking better at an event, improving self-esteem, or because you're wearing a certain pair of jeans.Many people start losing weight because their doctors tell them to, but research shows that people are more successful if their motivation to lose weight comes from within.
Summary:Clearly define your weight loss goals and write them down. Make sure your motivation comes from an intrinsic drive for long-term success.

2. Have realistic expectations

Many diets and weight loss products are required for quick and easy weight loss. However, most practitioners recommend losing only 1-2 pounds (0. 5-1 kg) per week.Setting unattainable goals may cause you to become frustrated and give up. Instead, setting and achieving achievable goals brings a sense of accomplishment.Additionally, people who achieve their weight loss goals are more likely to maintain their weight loss long-term.One study using data from multiple weight loss centers found that women who planned to lose the most weight were most likely to drop out of the program.The good news is that even a 5-10% weight loss can have a significant impact on your health. If you weigh 180 lb (82 kg), that's only 9–18 lb (4–8 kg). If you weigh 250 lb (113 kg), 13–25 lb (6–11 kg).Losing 5-10% of your body weight can:
  • Improve blood sugar control
  • Reduce risk of heart disease
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • Reduce joint pain
  • Reduce risk of certain types of cancer
Summary:Set realistic weight loss expectations to increase your sense of accomplishment and prevent burnout. Even a modest 5-10% weight loss can have serious consequences for your health.

3. Focus on process goals

Many people who are trying to lose weight only set goals or goals that they ultimately want to achieve.Typically, the end goal will be your final target weight.However, focusing solely on achieving the end result can destroy your motivation. They often seem too far away and leave you feeling overwhelmed.Instead, you should set process goals, or the actions you will take to achieve the desired results. An example of a process goal is to exercise four times per week.A study of 126 overweight women participating in a weight loss program found that those who focused on the process were more likely to lose weight and less likely to deviate from their eating habits than those who focused solely on the results.Setting process goals includes:
  • specific
  • could be measured
  • achievable
  • actual
  • by time
Some examples of these goals include:
  • I will walk briskly for 30 minutes five days next week.
  • I'm eating four servings of vegetables every day this week.
  • I only drink one soda this week.
Summary:Setting process goals will help you stay motivated, while focusing solely on the end goal can lead to frustration and decreased motivation.

4. Choose a plan that fits your lifestyle

Find a weight loss plan that you can stick to, and avoid plans that are nearly impossible to follow long-term.Although there are hundreds of different diets, most are based on cutting calories.Reducing calorie intake can lead to weight loss, but diet, especially frequent yo-yo dieting, is a predictor of future weight gain.Therefore, avoid strict diets that exclude certain foods. Research shows that people with an "all or nothing" mentality are less likely to lose weight. Instead, consider creating your own custom plan. The following eating habits have been shown to help you lose weight:
  • Reduce calorie intake
  • Reduce portion size
  • Reduce the frequency of snacking
  • Cut back on fried foods and desserts
  • Includes fruits and vegetables
Summary:Choose a diet plan that you can stick to long-term and avoid extreme or crash diets.

5. Keep a weight loss diary

Self-control is critical to motivation and weight loss success.Research shows that people who watch their food intake are more likely to lose weight and maintain weight loss.However, to properly keep a food diary, you must write down everything you eat. This includes meals, snacks and sweets you eat at your co-workers’ tables.You can also record your emotions in a food journal. This can help you identify specific triggers for overeating and find healthier ways to cope.You can keep a food journal with pen and paper, or use a website or app. All of these have proven their effectiveness.
Summary:Keeping a food diary can help you measure your progress, identify triggers, and bring them to your attention. You can also use the website or app as a tracking tool.

6. Celebrate your successes

Losing weight is hard, so celebrate all your successes to stay motivated.When you reach your goal, give yourself a little credit. Social media or a weight loss website with a community page are great places to share your progress and get support. When you feel proud of yourself, your motivation increases.Also, remember to celebrate changes in behavior, not just reaching a certain size.For example, if you hit your goal of exercising four days a week, take a bubble bath or plan a fun night out with friends.Additionally, you can increase motivation even further by rewarding yourself.However, choosing the right reward is important. Don't reward yourself with food. Also, avoid rewards that are so expensive that you'll never buy them, or so trivial that you'll get them anyway.Here are some great examples of rewards:
  • Get a manicure
  • Go to the cinema
  • Buy a new treadmill
  • Take a cooking class
Summary:Celebrate all your successes on your weight loss journey. Consider rewarding yourself to further boost motivation.

7. Seek social support

People need regular encouragement and positive feedback to stay motivated.Tell your family and friends about your weight loss goals so they can support you on your journey.Many people also find it helpful to find a weight loss buddy. You can train together, hold each other accountable, and support each other throughout the process.Involving your partner can also be helpful, but make sure you also have support from others, such as friends.Also, consider joining a support group. Both in-person and online support groups are helpful.
Summary:Having strong social support will help you hold yourself accountable and stay motivated to lose weight. Consider joining a support group to boost your motivation.

8. Make a commitment

Research shows that people who make public commitments are more likely to achieve their goals.Telling others about your weight loss goals will hold you accountable. Tell your family and friends, and even consider sharing on social media. The more people you share your goals with, the greater your responsibility becomes.Additionally, consider a gym membership, workout package, or $5, 000 down. If you're already invested, you're more likely to stay the course.
Summary:Making a public commitment to losing weight will help keep you motivated and accountable.

9. Think and speak positively

People who have positive expectations and are confident in their ability to achieve their goals tend to lose more weight.Additionally, people who use "change talk" are more likely to follow through on their plans. A change discussion is a statement of commitment to behavior change, the reasons for it, and the steps you will take or are taking to achieve your goals.So start talking positively about your weight loss. Also talk about the steps you will take and speak your thoughts out loud.On the other hand, research shows that people who spend a lot of time just fantasizing about their dream weight are less likely to achieve their goals. This is called spiritual indulgence.Instead, make the comparison mentally. To make a mental comparison, spend a few minutes imagining achieving your goal, and then another few minutes imagining any obstacles you might encounter.In a study of 134 college students, they mentally obsessed or mentally compared their dietary goals. Those who are psychologically opposed are more likely to take action. They consumed fewer calories, exercised more, and ate fewer high-calorie foods.As seen in this study, psychological disapproval is more motivating and leads to more action than psychological satisfaction, which may trick your brain into thinking you've achieved success and lead to you neverTake action to achieve your goals.
Summary:Think and talk positively about your weight loss goals, but make sure you are realistic and focused on the steps you need to take to achieve them.

10. Plan to overcome difficulties and failures

Everyday stress is always present. Finding ways to plan for these issues and developing appropriate coping skills will help you stay motivated, no matter what life throws at you.There's always a holiday, birthday, or party. There are always sources of stress at work or at home.It’s important to start problem solving and brainstorming about these possible issues and frustrations related to weight loss. This will keep you on track and motivated.Many people seek comfort in food. This can quickly lead to them giving up on their weight loss goals. Developing appropriate coping skills will prevent this from happening to you.Research shows that people who are better able to manage stress and adopt better coping strategies lose more weight and keep it off longer.Consider using some of these tips to deal with stress:
  • practise
  • Practice square breathing
  • bath
  • go outside and breathe fresh air
  • call a friend
  • Request for help
Don’t forget to plan vacations, social events, and restaurants. You can research restaurant menus ahead of time to find healthier options. At parties, you can bring healthy dishes or eat smaller meals.
Summary:It’s important to plan for failure and have good coping skills. If you use food as a coping mechanism, start practicing other coping methods.

11. Don’t strive for perfection, forgive yourself

You don't have to be perfect to lose weight.If you have an all-or-nothing mentality, you're unlikely to achieve your goals.When you're too limited, you might say, "I had a burger and fries for lunch, so I might as well have pizza for dinner. " Instead, try saying, "I had a big lunch, so I should strive for that. "A healthier dinner. "And don’t beat yourself up for making a mistake. Suicidal thoughts will only hinder your motivation.Instead, forgive yourself. Remember, one mistake won't ruin your progress.
Summary:When you strive for perfection, you quickly lose motivation. By allowing yourself flexibility and forgiving yourself, you can stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey.

12. Learn to love and appreciate your body

Studies have repeatedly shown that people who don't like their bodies are less likely to lose weight.Taking steps to improve your body image can help you lose more weight and keep it off.Additionally, people with better body image are more likely to choose a maintainable diet and try new activities to help them achieve their goals.The following activities will help improve your body image:
  • practise
  • Appreciate your body's capabilities.
  • do something for yourself, like a massage or manicure
  • Be with positive people
  • Stop comparing yourself to others, especially models
  • Wear what you like and what suits you
  • Look in the mirror and say out loud what you like about yourself
Summary:Improving your body image can help you stay motivated to lose weight. Try the steps above to improve your body image.

13. Find a sport you love

Physical activity is an important component of weight loss. Not only will this help you burn calories, it will also make you feel better.The best exercises are the ones you enjoy and can do.There are many types and methods of exercise, and it's important to explore the different options to find one that you enjoy.Think about where you want to exercise. Do you prefer being inside or outside? Would you rather work out at the gym or in the comfort of your home?Also, decide whether you prefer to train alone or in a group. Group classes are very popular and help many people stay motivated. However, if you don't like group classes, you can study on your own.Finally, listen to music while exercising as it can increase motivation. People also tend to exercise longer while listening to music.
Summary:Not only does exercise help you burn calories, it can also make you feel better. Find an exercise you enjoy so it can easily become a part of your daily routine.

14. Find role models

Having a role model can help you stay motivated to lose weight. However, you need to choose the right role models to stay motivated.Hanging a picture of a supermodel on your refrigerator won't motivate you over time. Instead, find a role model you can easily relate to.Having positive role models can help you stay motivated.Maybe you know a friend who has lost a lot of weight and can be an inspiration to you. You can also find inspiring blogs or stories about people who have successfully lost weight.
Summary:Finding role models will help you stay motivated. It’s important to find a role model that you can easily relate to.

15. Get a dog

Dogs are ideal companions for weight loss. Research shows that owning a dog can help you lose weight.First, dogs can increase your physical activity.A Canadian study of dog owners found that dog owners walked an average of 300 minutes a week, while non-dog owners walked an average of just 168 minutes a week.Secondly, dogs are excellent social support. Unlike your exercise partners, dogs are almost always excited about physical activity.As a bonus, owning a pet has been shown to improve overall health and well-being. It has been linked to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and reduced feelings of loneliness and depression.
Summary:Having a dog can help you lose weight by increasing physical activity and providing more social support.

16. Seek professional help if necessary.

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help when needed to help you with your weight loss efforts. People who are more confident in their knowledge and abilities lose more weight.This might mean finding a registered dietitian to teach you about certain foods, or an exercise physiologist to teach you how to exercise properly.Many people also like the sense of responsibility that a professional's perspective gives them.If you're still having trouble getting motivated, consider finding a psychologist or nutritionist who is trained in motivational interviewing, which has been shown to help people achieve their goals.
Summary:Experts like nutritionists, physiologists, and psychologists can help you improve your motivation and knowledge to help you achieve your weight loss goals.


Weight loss motivation is important for long-term weight loss success.People look for different motivators, so it's important to find out what exactly motivates you.Remember to stay flexible and celebrate the small successes in your weight loss journey. And don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.With the right tools and support, you can find and stay motivated to achieve your weight loss goals.